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Every Purchase Makes a Difference


When I started by business, I wanted to do work that made a difference - to create social and environmental change.

It made sense to me, as a business that publishes books, we needed to put back what we take from the earth. So I decided that for every book we sell, we plant a tree.
We’ve grown so much that next month, we’re going to start planting entire orchards that will serve communities for generations -- places like public schools, city parks, community gardens, food banks, and low-income neighborhoods.
I truly believe the dollars we spend (and make) are the world’s powerful force for good. And in an age of planetary change, consumers have ALL the power. We can be change makers for a better world.
And the more we purchase products and services that support people and the earth, the faster we can shift to a more sustainable planet. No more business as usual. For our children, there is simply no Planet B.
